Awards & mentions

AQON PURE has not only proven itself in practice as an effective solution for calcareous water in residential buildings. Both the technology and the company behind it have already been nominated several times, honored and mentioned in renowned publications.

Awards & mentions

AQON PURE has not only proven itself in practice as an effective solution for calcareous water in residential buildings. Both the technology and the company behind it have already been nominated several times, honored and mentioned in renowned publications.

German Sustainability Award

The German Sustainability Award is Europe's biggest award for ecological and social commitment. It has been awarded in cooperation with the Federal Government since 2008. The winners include former Federal President Joachim Gauck and former Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon. Outstanding achievements that sustainably shape the transformation towards a sustainable society are honored. AQON PURE is the first water treatment system ever nominated for the German Design Sustainability Award. The nomination was made independently at the suggestion of the Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis e.V., without AQON PURE having applied for it.

Logo German Sustainability Award

Hessian Founder Prize

Since 03.11.2021, AQON PURE has been the winner of the Hessian Founder Prize 2021 in the “Sustainable Succession” category. The prize was presented in 2021 by Hessian Minister of Economic Affairs Tarek Al-Wazir.

AQON Pure Hessian Founder Award
Logo Hessian Founder Prize

Focus growth champion

AQON PURE is one of the fastest-growing companies in Germany in 2024. In the list of the fastest-growing companies, AQON PURE is in 2nd place in the “Mechanical and Plant Engineering” category and 50th in the national category. AQON PURE is the fastest-growing water treatment company in Germany.

Logo Focus growth champion 2024

Financial Times
FT 1000 Award

AQON PURE is Europe's fastest-growing water treatment company. This is shown by the Financial Times annual ranking “FT 1000: Europe's Fastest Growing Companies 2024”. AQON PURE is 220th out of 1000 in the overall ranking.

TOP 100 Award

AQON PURE has received the TOP100 Award 2023 and is therefore one of the most innovative companies in Germany. The prize is considered one of the most renowned awards for the innovative strength of medium-sized companies. Ranga Yogeschwar, one of Germany's most famous science journalists, personally presented the TOP 100 Award at the German SME Summit in Augsburg on June 23, 2023. Since 1993, the TOP 100 seal has been awarded to medium-sized companies for outstanding innovative strength and above-average innovation successes. Since 2002, the scientific direction has been in the hands of Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke. Franke is founder and director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. With 26 research awards and over 200 publications, he is one of the world's leading innovation researchers. The mentor of TOP 100 is science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. Project partners are the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research and the BVMW SME Association. The Magazine Manager Magazin, Impulse and ZEIT für Unternehmer accompany the company comparison as media partners.

AQON Pure TOP100 Innovator Awards Ceremony
Top Innovator 2023 logo

Ecodesign publication by the state of Hesse

AQON PURE is listed as the first product for environmentally friendly water treatment in the “Ecodesign” publication 2021 by the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing. The 2nd edition of “Ecodesign” presents companies and products that support the path to a sustainable economy. AQON PURE is listed on pages 46 & 47 under the title “Energy-saving water treatment extends the life of technical infrastructure and equipment.”


Forbes 30 under 30

Since 06.03.2023, AQON PURE has been on the renowned Forbes “30 under 30" European list. Konstantin Wilk, founder and managing director of AQON PURE, was honored with the title in the “Technology” category. The award is presented for outstanding entrepreneurial and social achievements in “young” years. While many companies are concerned with IT and digitalization, AQON PURE stands out in particular with its environmentally friendly water treatment technology.

Logo Forbes

Comparative winner regularly carries out extensive comparative tests on household goods of all types. In the current comparative test on the subject of water softening systems, AQON PURE scored 1.12 “very good” and is therefore the comparison winner.

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