AQON Pure in press and media

AQON PURE is regularly reported in the press and media. There are already numerous reports from newspapers, TV & radio. Because AQON PURE is not just an efficient solution for lime in water. Tens of thousands of households have retrofitted AOQN PURE to their domestic water connection. AQON PURE is therefore a success story of a medium-sized family company.

AQON Pure in press and media

AQON PURE is regularly reported in the press and media. There are already numerous reports from newspapers, TV & radio. Because AQON PURE is not just an efficient solution for lime in water. Tens of thousands of households have retrofitted AOQN PURE to their domestic water connection. AQON PURE is therefore a success story of a medium-sized family company.

Articles about AQON PURE

Here you can find all historical press articles about AQON PURE.

Logo Handelsblatt
“How the family-owned company Aqon is repositioning itself as a platform — and thus becoming a start-up”
Handelsblatt, 12.09.2024
Frankfurter Allgemeine logo
“Against too much lime in tap water”
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 05.05.2022
Logo Living at Home
“Aqon Pure defuses the annoying mineral in an environmentally friendly way”
Living at Home, June 2022 edition
Logo Wirtschaftswoche
“Lime protection without salt — fast and close to customers”
WirtschaftsWoche, issue 34 (2023), 18.08.2023
Logo SHK Profi
“Water softening: lime protection without salt and electricity”
SHK Profi, edition 01/2018
Logo Forbes
AQON Pure on the “Forbes 30 under 30 Europe List (Technology)”
Forbes Magazine, 06.03.2023
Logo Smart Homes
“Two brothers are revolutionizing water softening”
Smart Homes, issue 1/2023
Logo Die Welt
“Descaling instead of dams”
Die Welt, 11.01.2022
Logo Smart Homes
“Installed in no time”
Smart Homes, edition 1/2022
Logo Frankfurter Rundschau
“AQON Pure: Soften water” Frankfurter Rundschau, 27.09.2021
Süddeutsche Zeitung logo
“Fight against lime”
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23.08.2021
Logo Welt der Wunder
“Modern lime protection systems provide a remedy for hard water”
Welt der Wunder, 17.05.2021
Logo Handelsblatt
"Wie sich das Familienunternehmen Aqon als Plattform neu aufstellt – und so zum Start-up wird”
Handelsblatt, 23.09.2022
“Top position for Bensheim start-up”
Bergsträsser Anzeiger, 11.04.2024
"Bensheimer Firma wächst über Grenzen"
Darmstädter Echo, 03.04.2024
“Water softener - Two systems are possible”
Deutschlandfunk, 13.12.2021
“Lime-free pipes — completely without salt”
IHK Magazin, 24.06.2023
“When calcification becomes expensive — and what to do about it”
RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland, 19.05.2023
“Intrapreneur by heart: How a generational change in the family business can succeed”
TUM School of Management, 07.12.2021
“From Startup to One of Germany's TOP 100 Innovative Companies in 2023 - The Story of AQON Pure”
TUM School of Management, 25.04.2023
“Bensheim experts for soft water”
Darmstädter Echo, 18.04.2023
“Anything but calcified”
Darmstädter Echo, 26.07.2021
“Fiber-optic disaster: How bad politics and sluggish companies are endangering Germany's digital future”
Handelsblatt, 12.07.2021
“Lime: Which water softening system helps? ”
Bauen & Wohnen (Regio TV), 16.04.2023
“Inherited passion for water”
Mannheimer Morgen, 01.10.2020
“Two brothers are revolutionizing the market for water softening systems”
Deutsches Ingenieurblatt, 15.09.2020
“TUM Alumni Start-Up AQON Pure Nominated for German Sustainability Award Design 2021” TUM School of Management, 31.08.2020
“Breakers: Good ideas and the people behind them”
Capital Magazin (edition 04/2023), 16.03.2023
“The terminator of calcium deposits”
VDI Nachrichten, 23.10.2020
„Das umweltfreundliche Wasseraufbereitungssystem für alle“
GRÜNDER.DE, 08.04.2023

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