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Perhaps the most famous descaling plant in Germany

The water softening system with satisfaction guarantee.

Water softening systems in the house reduce calcium deposits and protect against the consequences of hard water. The AQON PURE lime protection systems are particularly innovative and leave the valuable minerals calcium and magnesium in drinking water. See for yourself and benefit from our 1-year money-back guarantee.

Protection icon

Does lime take
the hard effect

Proven technology: The effectiveness of our anti-calcium technology in reducing calcium deposits was tested in an 18-month study.


Easiest installation
- also retrospectively

Our descaling systems are installed on the house water connection to your water meter. As a rule, only a free pipe section of approx. 40 cm - 60 cm in length is required.

Save icon

No follow-up costs

Compared to a classic water softening system, AQON PURE lime protection systems are completely maintenance-free. There are no costs for consumables, electricity or waste water.

Guarantee icon

1 year
Money back guarantee

The best thing about our 1 year money back guarantee?
97% of our customers never use them. If you are still not satisfied, you have 365 days to return your AQON Pure system without giving reasons.

To the warranty conditions >>

The descaling system for every house.

The advantages of AQON PURE lime protection systems? They are not conventional descaling systems or water softening systems with salt. On the one hand, this makes it particularly easy to determine the size of our lime protection systems and, on the other hand, makes subsequent installation easy. Request the right offer for your house in just 2 minutes using our enquiry form or order directly from our online shop - with installation at a fixed price if you wish.

home s

home s

Smart. Even when it comes to the price. The home s is our answer for the smallest space — and short pipe runs.

single-family house
For single-family homes
Can be used from a total water hardness of 15°
duration of use
Usage time up to 10 years
Performance icon
Peak output up to 35 liters per minute
Construction length
Overall length 215 mm
Connections: 1/2 inch external thread
maximum water pressure
Minimum water pressure: 2.5 bar
minimum water pressure
Maximum allowable water pressure: 10 bar
Euro ring blueeuro
1 year money back guarantee


Full power. Fully ahead. The home is our innovation for a wide range of water hardnesses and higher flow rates.

single-family house
For single-family homes
Can be used from 5° total water hardness
duration of use
Usage time up to 20 years
duration of use
Peak output up to 45 liters per minute
Construction length
Construction length 400 mm
Connections: 1/2 inch external thread
maximum water pressure
Minimum water pressure: 2.5 bar
minimum water pressure
Maximum allowable water pressure: 10 bar
Euro ring blueeuro
1 year money back guarantee
home plus

home +

Powerful For many. The home + is for everyone who wants more: lime protection for apartment buildings.

multi-family house
For two to four-family houses
Can be used from 5° total water hardness
duration of use
Usage time up to 20 years
Peak output up to 75 liters per minute
Construction length
Construction length 400 mm
Connections: 3/4 inch external thread
maximum water pressure
Minimum water pressure: 2.5 bar
minimum water pressure
Maximum allowable water pressure: 10 bar
Euro ring blueeuro
1 year money back guarantee

Installation (optional) from 285€ (incl. 19% VAT)

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Systems available for larger apartment buildings. Please use our inquiry tool.

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The customer-friendly descaling system.
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Ralf Elgert
Ralf Elgert

The customer service was quite good, and installation went smoothly, at a fixed price by a local specialist.

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Google rating
Silvia Bonacker
Silvia Bonacker

I am quite satisfied with the whole process. The order, communication, delivery, installation and everything in between

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was well coordinated. The fitters were quite nice and worked quickly and cleanly.And the best thing is no more stubborn limescale!I immediately noticed a huge improvement.TOP NOTCH!

Google rating
Peter Boll
Peter Boll

We have a water hardness of 7 dH here. Normally, the shower would have to be wiped dry after every shower in

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order to prevent limescale deposits. Not any more.We have occasionally wiped them down out of curiosity:no traces of limescale.We are quite satisfied with the Aqon system.

Google rating
felix schwarze
felix schwarze

We are wholly satisfied with the installation. The water is noticeably softer, and things stay clean for longer.

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Some water pressure is lost, but not to an unacceptable level. It’s all environmentally friendly.

Google rating
Jürgen Gnilli
Jürgen Gnilli

The installation went quickly and smoothly. It was only three days ago, so I can’t say anything about the effect yet.

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It seems like the water is softer – but I’ve got nothing to base that on. More on this later.

Google rating
Malte Anselm Beyer
Malte Anselm Beyer

We really appreciated the expert advice from Mr Stein. The improvement in water quality is clearly

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noticeable. The installation went smoothly. We will have this product installed in other properties!

Google rating
Jochen Schönfelder
Jochen Schönfelder

Immediately after installation, we noticed a significant lack of water marks on the glass shower walls after

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showering. We did not expect the installation to be done so quickly. Simply super.

Google rating
Max Röser
Max Röser

Six months after installation, I have quite a positive impression. The coffee machine runs without a limescale filter

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and without the water being filtered out. Today I screwed the strainers on the taps for the first time. I was easily able to rinse off the few limescale particles under running water. Nothing more was necessary. Cleaning the shower and bath, including the joints in the tiles, is also much easier. I hope that many people choose this environmentally friendly, healthy, and affordablesolution. The customer service was quite good, and installation went smoothly, at a fixed price by a local specialist.

Google rating
Mario Breiter
Mario Breiter

We are quite satisfied with this product and the professional handling of the order.

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Google rating
Beate Esser
Beate Esser

We are more than impressed with AQON Pure. It is a great, innovative product with an excellent

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price/performance ratio. Finally soft water that still tastes good and contains hardly any limescale. Friendly communication, great service, and very fast and professional installation by a local company…It sounded too good to be true, but it was!We definitely recommend it to everyone…

Google rating
Claudia Rubart
Claudia Rubart

We have had the Aqon Pure system for a few weeks now and are quite satisfied. The water tastes the same as

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usual, and it seems easier to clean bathroom fittings and ceramics. The entire ordering and installation process with Aqon and our local plumber was excellent – great customer service. Everything went quickly, and we felt we were in good hands. Thank you very much!

Google rating
Boris Pratsch
Boris Pratsch

From the first point of contact and sending the pictures to installation by a friendly, committed and capable

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craftsman, everything was simply top notch. The product is barely thicker than the water pipe and does what it should. No more limescale deposits after two weeks. We used to treat everything with vinegar once a week … we are very happy – plus it’s all maintenance-free and there are no running costs. Highly recommended!

Google rating
Ben Wolff
Ben Wolff

Very pleasant sales team. All questions were answered in a straightforward manner, and from the very first

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minute, the device worked better than we expected. There is no more limescale, and the tap water still tastes good. I don’t know why there are still salt and osmosis systems at all with an alternative solution like this.

Google rating
Andreas F
Andreas F

Stains can be wiped away with a damp cloth. Even the dark deposits in the toilet bowl drain pipe come loose and release

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the white ceramic again with a little brushing. Completely without using harsh cleaning agents. The system itself is completely integrated in water pipe system and therefore barely takes up any additional space. Visually even an eye-catcher, as the surface is made of high-quality brushed stainless steel. All in all: finally less cleaning or scrubbing! And that after just a few days of installation. Now after 4 months of installation, the weekly use of anti-calcifying agents in the household has been reduced to zero.

Google rating
Andreas Thümmler
Andreas Thümmler

We decided to get the Aqon Pure system.Top notch service and customer care. We’ve been using it for a few

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weeks now. Our water used to be quite hard (17–18 dH). We had problems with eczema on our hands.Now it’s noticeably better!

Google rating
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The softening system with installation - even retrospectively.

Wastewater connection, power connection and a separate area for installation: All of this would be necessary to install a conventional descaling system or water softening system (ion exchanger) at the domestic water connection. But you're in luck: Installing AQON PURE lime protection systems is much easier: space-saving & without accessories — even retroactively. On request, with our installation service at a fixed price.

Illustration pipe system
Water meter
Water meter
Water filter
Water filter
More about our installation at a fixed price

Water softening systems for the home:

Discover the benefits in general.

Hot water production

Hot water production

Lime is particularly visible when you heat water. This is why calcium deposits in kettles, for example, become visible after only a short time of use. High hot water temperatures cause lime to “precipitate” more quickly and deposit on surfaces. In particular, this concerns hot water generation systems (as part of the heating system). Since large amounts of water flow through and are heated here, hard water quickly forms calcium deposits, e.g. on heating elements and in boilers. These, in turn, can only be removed by specialist companies using certain descaling and cleaning agents. Such boiler decalcifications are in turn associated with costs. At the same time, energy consumption increases per millimeter of lime layer on a heat transfer surface, as calcium deposits act like insulation. As a result, heating times are extended and the costs of providing warm water are rising.

A water softening system or descaling system reduces calcium deposits in hot water generation systems. This not only protects against excessive calcification, but also ensures energy-efficient water heating.



In the bathroom, the consequences of hard water are not only visible, but also felt. Because when tap water contains a lot of lime, calcium deposits form much more quickly. Fittings such as shower heads or faucets calcify at the outlet nozzles or aerators. Chalk also sticks to glass shower walls and tiles and forms stubborn calcium deposits, particularly in the joints. In addition, hard water often feels scratchy on the skin.

As a result, fittings must be descaled regularly and surfaces must be cleaned of lime using special cleaning agents. This not only costs time, but also pollutes the environment with descaling agents. Water softening systems reduce calcium deposits and facilitate cleaning processes.

Good to know: Water softening systems or descaling systems with salt do not provide lime-free water. Here, residual water hardness is always left in tap water. Lime protection systems leave the amount of lime in the water unchanged, but reduce the accumulation behavior of lime through the process of seed crystal formation. Both processes reduce calcium deposits. However, you can't expect to never have to clean again. This is essential for hygienic reasons alone, as water contains many other substances in addition to lime.

Washing machine & laundry

Washing machine & laundry

Almost everyone knows it from advertising: The washing machine is faulty due to calcium deposits and must be replaced. This is certainly an extreme case. But household appliances in which water is heated in particular suffer from calcium deposits. Especially if they are operated with calcareous water for many years. At the same time, detergents containing lime in water form so-called lime soaps. These lime soaps no longer have the same cleaning power. This increases detergent consumption: bad for the environment and bad for your laundry.

The advantages of water softening systems in the house:

  • Enables the economical use of detergent
  • Reduces calcium deposits in important components of your washing machine
  • Reduces the risk of using more energy to heat up your washing machine
Water pipes

Water pipes

While homeowners can still descale surfaces and household appliances themselves, this is hardly possible with pipes in the house. Hard, calcareous water leads to calcium deposits in water pipes in the long term, particularly in the hot water sector. In the worst case, the pipeline cross section can be reduced to such an extent that the water flow drops massively and only a small amount of water flows out of taps. In such cases, specialist companies must then decalcify the pipes at great expense. Under certain circumstances, it may even be necessary to replace the pipeline system if calcification is very advanced. This entails corresponding costs.

Softening systems and descaling systems protect the pipeline system from excessive calcification. This saves homeowners high costs of cleaning their drinking water pipes in the long term. This is probably one of the biggest economic advantages when deciding to purchase a water softening system.



In addition to the bathroom, the kitchen is one of the most common uses of water in a house. The right drinking water quality is therefore often crucial. Many household appliances, such as coffee machines or dishwashers, do more than just build up lime. Lime also influences, for example, the taste of coffee or the washing results of a dishwasher. Calcium deposits in household appliances must be removed regularly, otherwise they can be damaged in the long term.

Softening systems reduce calcium deposits in household appliances and on surfaces such as kitchen sinks. This makes cleaning processes easier and requires less decalcification.

Good to know: If water is heated particularly strongly, in particular up to 100° C. as in the case of a kettle, calcium deposits may remain visible despite the use of a lime protection system or a water softening system. This is because water softeners and lime protection systems do not provide lime-free water. You always leave a residual water hardness in the water or leave the minerals calcium and magnesium completely in it. Calcium deposits in the kettle are not an indicator that a water softening system is not working. The kettle is just a very specific application, as very high temperatures are reached here and water evaporates.

Water quality & environment

Water quality and environment

Lime in water consists primarily of the minerals calcium and magnesium. It is therefore not harmful to health. Water softening systems or descaling systems with salt replace these minerals for sodium. This is known as the so-called ion exchange. As a result, the water hardness decreases and the sodium level rises.

AQON PURE lime protection systems leave the minerals calcium and magnesium in drinking water. There is no increase in the sodium level. AQON PURE maintains drinking water quality as it comes from your local drinking water supplier. Because Germany is one of the best in the world.

Another advantage of AQON PURE lime protection systems is that no chloride is released into the waste water. This is because water softening systems or descaling systems with salt release chloride into the waste water. Depending on the number of such softening systems, the exposure to chloride in a supply area can measurably increase. In California, for example, in 2006, then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger passed a law prohibiting the use of water softening systems with salt in certain regions of California, as chloride can damage habitats and plants.

AQON PURE benefits in 3 minutes

In 2023, the TV program “Bauen &Wohnen” reported on AQON PURE and what makes our systems so special compared to conventional water softening systems.

World of Wonders TV report

In 2021, a camera team accompanied AQON PURE for two days. From function to installation to satisfied customers, the TV show provides an insight into the success story.

Up to 20 years of use
No running costs
Euro white
1 year money back guarantee

Descaling plant, softening system & lime protection system: What is the difference?

First things first: The terms descaling system or water softening system are not protected. There are numerous products that combat lime problems in various ways. In general, it can be said that these are aggregates for products that prevent or reduce calcium deposits. The difference is whether the water hardness is reduced (e.g. Water softening system with salt through ion exchange) or whether the minerals calcium and magnesium (lime) should remain in tap water (Lime protection system). In any case, descaling systems are useful if you have hard water. You can find out more about this here: Why are descaling systems useful and what processes are there?

Buy a descaling system: Determine the water hardness and find the right water softening system

40% of all German households are in a region with hard water. Hard water contains a particularly large amount of lime. There are various water softening systems to reduce lime problems. However, it is crucial to know whether you have hard water in your house at all. Determine your water hardness free of charge here. Before purchasing a water softening system, it is also worthwhile to know the differences and how to compare offers. We explain in a comprehensible way How to find the right descaling system.

Lime-free water through a water softener?

If a manufacturer or supplier of water softening systems or descaling systems with salt promises you lime-free water, then you should be careful. Conventional softening systems (ion exchangers) produce soft water, but not completely lime-free tap water. For corrosion-chemical reasons, residual water hardness is always left in the water in these systems. A certain degree of calcium deposits is therefore still to be expected here as well. The same applies to lime protection systems, as the water hardness remains unchanged here. There is no water treatment system that completely dispenses with cleaning (surface cleaning). Find out more about the Disadvantages of water softening systems with salt. AQON PURE lime protection systems do not have these disadvantages. AQON PURE makes it easier to handle lime in your own home. But especially where water evaporates, there is no need to reach for the cleaning cloth from time to time.

AQON PURE is not a softening system in the traditional sense. AQON PURE is a lime protection system that leaves the valuable minerals calcium and magnesium in drinking water. The effectiveness of our lime protection systems has been proven in a 18-month study reviewed. By the way: AQON PURE offers an installation service at a fixed price - through over 400 specialist companies in the HVAC sector in Germany alone. As a result, AQON PURE can be easily retrofitted to any domestic water connection.

The descaling system with the best service.

Up and running: Get the offer in just 2 minutes - optional with installation at a fixed price.

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