Hard water

Water Hardness Test Strips

What is hard water?

Hard water is characterized by a particularly high proportion of dissolved hardeners. These hardeners consist primarily of calcium and magnesium. A high proportion of dissolved hardeners in water has the disadvantage that insoluble compounds such as e.g. lime and can form lime soaps. These are harmful to surfaces, systems and materials. In order to be able to better describe problems resulting from a high concentration of hardness-forming agents, the theory system of water hardness was developed.

How is hard water produced?

The water hardness is influenced by two characteristics. On the one hand, it is influenced by the nature of the soils through which the water flows. On the other hand, how many hardeners it can remove depends on the ability of water. How many hardeners can be dissolved in water is determined by the amount of carbonic acid in the water. Hard water is therefore particularly found in regions where there are heavily calcareous soils and the water that passes through these soils has a high amount of carbonic acid.

Why are water hardnesses so different in many places?

Calcareous soils are required for hard water to be produced. In Germany, however, the geological subsoil is very different. Water does not pass through a large amount of limestone everywhere. That is why there are regions where the water is softer or harder.

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How do I know if my household is affected by hard water?

Your own water hardness can be found out quickly and easily. The local supplier is required to analyse its water at regular intervals and to publish the results. These analyses include water hardness values and can be viewed online. From a water hardness of 14°dH (German hardness), we speak of hard water.

Is hard water unhealthy?

No — quite the opposite: The hardeners calcium and magnesium dissolved in hard water are even healthy for the human body. Increased mineral intake is particularly useful during physical or sporting activity. The topic has also been investigated several times. For example, as early as 1975, an American study came to the conclusion that there is less heart disease in areas with high water hardness.

What are the effects of hard water?

Even though hard water is healthy for the human body, high water hardness results in significant disadvantages for water-carrying systems, installations and devices. Hard water leads to so-called lime incrustations. These lead to a variety of problems: They occupy surfaces, make materials brittle and brittle and provide an ideal habitat for germs. They also reduce the lifespan and energy efficiency of heating and hot water systems, for example, or household appliances. The costs associated with hard water due to maintenance, repair, new purchase and lower energy efficiency can easily amount to several hundred euros per year (for a single-family house). Therefore, in the case of hard water, it makes sense to Lime protection measures to invest.

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