Descaling the heater

Heater with heating thermostat in the foreground

In the cool autumn and winter months, household heating systems run at full speed. To avoid unnecessarily high heating costs, it is important to maintain the heating systems regularly. This includes decalcifying the entire heating system and your hot water tank. Because taking a hot shower or bath only works with an intact hot water boiler. We will explain step by step how to clean and descale.

Descaling hot water boilers: Why descaling hot water boilers is so important

Household appliances such as the kettle or the percolator are decalcified regularly, as their functioning changes when too much lime has accumulated in them. Calcareous deposits on faucets, bathroom faucets or on shower walls They look ugly and are therefore cleaned after a while. But what about the hot water boiler? This is usually in the basement of a house and does not catch the eye every day. A calcified heating system is often noticed too late because the heating is not needed during the warm summer months. However, you should descale your boiler regularly, as this could result in both financial and health damage:

  • bacterial infestation: The longer the hot water is in the boiler, the faster bacteria collect there. Warm water provides the perfect conditions for bacteria to multiply. Bacteria can also build up and multiply between calcium deposits and on rust.
  • Risk of overheating: The calcium deposits on the heating pipes have an insulating effect and ensure that the direct transfer of heat to the water is curbed. This results in a build up of heat and there is a risk of overheating of the heating elements or the heat transfer surfaces.
  • rising energy costs: With calcium deposits, more energy must be expended to heat the water. As a result, costs rise.
  • Prevent damage: Without decalcification, broken seals, valves, pipes and other parts remain unnoticed in the hot water boiler. With regular maintenance, broken parts are noticed more quickly and can be replaced.

Service life of hot water boilers: How often should descale be carried out?

How often you should descale the hot water boiler depends on the water hardness Off your tap water: The harder the water is, the more often it has to be decalcified. This means that water hardness of 14 degrees dH or higher is referred to as hard water. If you live in a region with this water hardness, it is recommended that you clean and descale the boiler annually. If the hardness is soft to medium, it is sufficient to service the heating rods and the water tank every three to four years.

Descaling the boiler: step by step

To descale the boiler, you should check in advance whether your model is suitable for cleaning by yourself. It is best to read this in the user manual. If your hot water boiler is suitable for self-cleaning and decalcification, a few more preparations must be made before you can start:

  • Prepare yourself with rubber gloves, goggles, and work clothes.
  • Unplug the boiler from the power supply. Remove the cables, secure the connections and check again whether there is really no more power flowing through the lines. Only then can you start decalcifying.
  • Finally, turn off the water and get yourself a bucket.
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Descaling with acetic and citric acids

In principle, we recommend that you only descale the boiler yourself if you have completed an apprenticeship as an SHK plant mechanic. If this is not the case, please contact an appropriate specialist company. Nevertheless, we are happy to explain the procedure: In order to descale the heating system, acidic agents are recommended. You can resort to acetic or citric acid. Both acids are effective. Compared to acetic acid, citric acid has no strong odour and is particularly gentle and effective at the same time. Regardless of which acid you choose, you should dilute both with water at a ratio of 1:2.

When all preparations have been made, you can start:

  • Drain water: Drain the water from the hot water boiler and start to descale the interior by cleaning and removing the calcified areas with a sponge and the acid-water mixture. Also check the boiler for damage right away.
  • Remove the heating rod: After you have drained the water, you should carefully remove the heating rod. If it contains lime, it should be removed. You can also do this with an acid-water mixture. Be careful not to damage the heating rod.
  • Insert heating rod: The cleaned heating rod can now be reinserted into the lime-free and clean boiler.
  • Turn on the water supply: Flush the boiler by turning on the cold water and hot water inlets. Then fill the boiler with water.
  • Activate power and fuse: Power and fuses can now be switched on again.
  • Attention! Never turn on the hot water boiler when it is empty! The heating rods can be damaged as a result!

Descaling the heating system

Lime in a heating system is just as harmful as lime in a hot water boiler: Bacteria can develop and energy costs rise. Lime appears at various points in the heating system, either in the heating circuit or in the hot water tank. You already know the best way to proceed with a calcified hot water tank. But what should you do if lime has formed in the heating circuit?

A specialist should also descale the radiator, as the heater must be cleaned and descale in accordance with a prescribed procedure. To prevent calcium deposits in the heating circuit, the heating water is treated in a specific way, which has been specified by the heater manufacturer. Should it happen that the radiator calcifies, the manufacturer's instructions were usually not complied with.

tip: The more air accumulates in the heater, the longer it takes for the heater to heat up to the desired temperature. By venting the heater regularly, you can save energy and heating costs.

Have the boiler professionally descaled

You can descale and clean the hot water boiler yourself in just a few steps. Follow the boiler manufacturer's instructions and first check whether you can descale the hot water boiler yourself. If you are unsure about cleaning, you can also have the hot water boiler professionally serviced. Of course, there are costs for you, which depend on the size of the boiler. With a boiler with a capacity of 500 liters, you can expect costs of 500 euros. Prices may vary depending on the specialist and company.

Have the boiler cleaned

Who bears the costs of professional descaling and cleaning of the hot water boiler? If you own a house, you bear the costs yourself. Tenants do not have to pay for maintenance directly themselves, but landlords can pass on the cleaning price to the tenant via the utility bill. However, this question of costs is always a controversial issue between the parties. In principle, it is advisable to seek a discussion so that both tenants and landlords come to a joint solution.

Prevent calcium deposits with AQON PURE

In order to save costs and prevent calcium deposits, you can take appropriate precautions with AQON PURE: The Lime protection systems from AQON PURE work without running costs and, using a special process, ensures that the lime is rinsed out with the water and is less likely to accumulate on pipes or other surfaces. Invest in a Lime protection systemto prevent calcium deposits in your water heating system!

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