Descaling the shower

bathroom with white bathtub

The theme lime is particularly present in the bathroom, because who doesn't know it: The unsightly white stains on the walls of the shower cubicle, on the tiles and on the faucets regularly cause us to stand annoyed in the bathroom, because white chalk stains do not look very aesthetic. At the latest when the shower head is no longer working at full capacity, it is time to remove calcium from the shower. In this text, you will learn how to descale your shower, what you need to consider and how you can prevent calcium deposits.

Why you should descale your shower cubicle

In addition to the aesthetic aspect, the hygienic aspect should not be lost sight of: A calcified shower head can ensure that bacteria collect on the calcium deposits and are also flushed out of the shower head with every shower unit. Regular cleaning of the shower cubicle, including the shower head, is therefore highly recommended. In regions with calcareous, particularly hard water Calcareous deposits usually form faster than in regions with soft water. It is recommended to clean and descale the shower cubicle, including the fittings, at least once a month. Depending on how often you shower and in which region you live, you should descale the shower head every three to four months or once a year.

Descaling the shower cubicle: this is how it works

Bathroom cleaners are the drugs of choice when it comes to combating calcium deposits in the shower. The application is as simple as it is effective: spray on the affected area, let the agent soak in and wipe off the calcium deposits with a wet cloth after a few minutes. To get a flawless shower cubicle, you should dry polish the treated area with a microfiber cloth and your shower cubicle shines in new splendor.

If there is slight lime contamination, spray the bathroom cleaner over a large area of your shower glass wall, let it work again for a few minutes and then remove the agent with a window cleaner, including any residual lime. You can descale your shower faucet just as effectively with a bathroom cleaner. Make sure that you treat each area particularly carefully and walk over the fittings with a dry cloth. This is how your shower faucet regains its shine.

Descaling a shower with home remedies

If you want a more economical and at the same time more environmentally friendly solution, you should use vinegar and lemon. Both commercial household vinegar and vinegar essence, citric acid or half a lemon are suitable for descaling your shower glass wall. You should dilute vinegar essence and citric acid with clear, cold water in a ratio of 2:1. The vinegar essence or citric acid mixture can be used in the same way as a bathroom cleaner and achieves the same effect. You can descale your shower tray just as quickly and easily with vinegar and lemon:

Drizzle the household vinegar or half a lemon onto a sponge. Then you can start cleaning the calcified areas, then rinse them with clean water and wipe dry with a cloth.

Attention! Even though vinegar and lemon are tried and tested home remedies, you should make sure to carefully treat sensitive areas such as rubber seals. This means that you should be careful not to apply the acids undiluted to rubber seals. Since acetic and citric acids are very aggressive, they can damage rubber seals or silicone joints.

No environmental impact due to chloride in drinking water
No running costs
Euro white
No release of sodium into your drinking water

Lotus effect: this is how the water simply rolls off

What would it be like if the water rolled off the shower cubicle? This phenomenon is called the lotus effect. With the lotus effect, you don't have to remove it after every shower, because your shower cleans itself as if by itself. A simple life hack that will save you a lot of time is the rinse aid.

Rinse aid is the magic bullet in the bathroom because it ensures that soap residue and shower residue combined with water do not immediately cause calcium deposits. This is because the rinse aid is deposited on the surface of the shower cubicle like a protective film. This creates the lotus effect. The lotus effect ensures that the surface absorbs as little moisture as possible and that the water rolls off the shower glass wall or shower tray, i.e. does not stick. Add a few drops of rinse aid to the water in your cleaning water or in a spray bottle and spray your shower cubicle with it completely, then pass water over the treated areas and finally dry the shower cubicle with a cloth and you're done!

Fabric softener is also suitable for this application and leaves a wonderful and pleasantly scented lotus effect in your shower.

Tip: If you have stubborn calcium deposits, it is recommended to treat them with an acid beforehand and then apply the steps for the lotus effect.

Descaling a shower head — step-by-step guide

If your shower shines in new splendor, it is now the turn of the shower head. With a simple trick, the shower head descals by itself. Here's how it works:

  1. Fill a small plastic bag or freezer bag with acetic acid, citric acid, or a bathroom cleaner.
  2. Place the bag over the showerhead and secure it with an elastic band so that the showerhead “floats” in the cleaning agent.
  3. Let the showerhead sit for several hours, ideally overnight.
  4. Remove the bag and let water flow through the shower head. It is then descaled and ready for use again. This trick can also be used wonderfully for calcified faucets in the kitchen and bathroom.

Preventing calcium deposits

Calcareous deposits are annoying. They look unattractive and they can also affect the quality of the water. The following tips will help you prevent calcium formation:

  1. Remove the tiles in the shower and the shower glass wall with a rubber squeegee after each shower. You can then dry the joints and fittings additionally with a microfiber cloth. This prevents the lime residue in the water from sticking to the tiles, the fittings or the glass wall.
  2. After descaling and cleaning your shower, use a rinse aid, fabric softener, or a special bathroom cleaner with a lotus effect to make the water roll off the shower wall. This also means that the lime has less chance of sticking to the shower cubicle.
  3. Regularity makes the difference: descale your shower regularly and don't forget the shower head. This prevents heavy calcium formation and makes cleaning faster and easier.
  4. If your household is in a region with hard water, i.e. contains a particularly large amount of lime, one is recommended water descaling- or Lime protection system

Reduce lime formation with the AQON PURE lime protection system

AQON PURE is the solution if you want to reduce calcium formation in your drinking water installation in the long term. AQON PURE is running. No running costs. Our system is connected to your main water pipe and ensures that the lime in the water hangs on so-called seed crystals and is rinsed out every time you use it, reducing the amount of lime deposited. AQON PURE is therefore the smart solution for reducing calcium deposits in an environmentally friendly way.

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In addition, our technical service experts are also available to you personally by phone or e-mail for non-binding advice. Not a call center. No need to wait endlessly in a queue.


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