Water softening systems for single-family homes

Rotes Dach eines Einfamilienhauses

You were finally able to realize your dream of having your own home, found the perfect kitchen and installed high-quality faucets with matching tiles in the bathroom. It is all the more annoying when your dream is then clouded by white chalk stains. These spots are ostensibly annoying. However, it becomes more problematic and expensive when the lime accumulates in larger household appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines and boilers. Or you are just about to renovate or rebuild your house and would like to find a way to decalcify your drinking water with the drinking water installation.

The solution to hard water problems is a water softening system for your single-family home (EFH). Find out about your options now.

How does water softening work in a single-family home?

Limestone deposits occur when the water in your region contains a lot of lime, i.e. it is “hard.” More specifically, we speak of”hard water“from a water hardness of 14 °dH (degree of German hardness). Lime consists of the dissolved minerals calcium and magnesium — which means that calcareous water can even provide health benefits.

Is there a way to prevent calcium deposits while benefiting from the minerals contained in water? There are two common methods for softening water in a single-family home: ion exchange as well as lime protection through seed crystal formation. During ion exchange, sodium chloride is added to tap water in the form of salt tablets. In this way, the lime is replaced by sodium, which, however, means that the sodium content of the water rises and the calcium and magnesium levels fall.

An alternative to this is seed crystal formation. In this process, microscopically small calcium crystals are formed in water. These crystals serve as attachment points for the lime contained in the water. Instead of sticking to fittings and pipes, the chalk with the crystals is washed out as soon as you remove water from the tap. Since no salt is used in this type of lime protection, calcium and magnesium are retained in the water. In addition, the sodium content does not increase. On the AQON PURE website, you can find more information about the various Descaling systems.

Which water softening system for a single-family home is best suited to your household?

Which water softening system for a single-family home is right for you depends on a number of different factors:

Given water hardness

Before you choose a specific softening system for your single-family home, you should determine your initial water hardness. Depending on how much °dH you want to lower your water hardness, certain systems are better suited than others. This is primarily due to the sodium content of the water.

Sodium content in drinking water

According to the German Drinking Water Ordinance, the limit value for sodium in water is 200 mg/l. If you opt for a descaling system with salt, the sodium content is increased even further as a result of the descaling process: 8.2 mg sodium is used to soften a liter of drinking water by 1 °dH. Even if the initial sodium content in your drinking water is zero, the water can only be softened up to approximately 24.4 °dH without exceeding the sodium limit. With others Lime protection systems, for example due to seed crystal formation, this problem does not exist.

water consumption

Which water softening system is right for you also depends on how many people live in your household and how high your water consumption is. A household of four people uses an average of 186,000 liters of water per year; that is 186 cubic meters. However, to find the best price-performance ratio for yourself, you should definitely check your individual consumption. Please also note that you will incur additional costs with water (for flushing the system), salt and electricity. During the offer phase, we recommend that you provide the provider with the following information so that they can recommend the appropriate investment size for you:

  • Number of people living in the house
  • Number of bathrooms in the house
  • Number of kitchens in the house

Installation requirements

In order for you to be able to install a water softening system in your single-family home, certain structural requirements may have to be met. This includes enough space for the plant itself and for the salt tank, but also the appropriate sewage connection, etc. Further information on Installing a water softener can be found in our guide.

No environmental pollution from chloride in drinking water
No running costs
Euro white
No release of sodium into your drinking water

Water softening system in a single-family home — costs

What are the costs for the water softening system in a single-family home? If you opt for a lime protection system from AQON PURE, you have two options as the owner of a single-family home: AQON PURE home s or AQON PURE home.

AQON Pure Home s
AQON Pure Home
from a total water hardness of
15 °dH
5 °dH
Service life
up to 10 years
up to 20 years
Peak performance
35 L / M in
45 L / M in
½ inch external thread (2 pieces)
½ inch external thread (2 pieces)
Minimum water pressure
2.5 bar
2.5 bar
max. permissible water pressure
10 bar
10 bar
1.490 €
2.390 €

In addition to the purchase costs for the system, there is also the price for the installation: You can easily have your AQON PURE system installed by a specialist near you — in just one to two hours and at a previously agreed fixed price! In addition, you can arrange your installation appointment directly with the installer yourself. In order to guarantee this service, AQON PURE only works with selected master companies. You can find out more interesting facts about the costs of a water softening system in a single-family home on our webpage.

Water softening system for single-family homes vs. lime protection with AQON PURE

Take active action against annoying calcium deposits in your single-family home! With a descaling system without salt, your single-family home is environmentally friendly!

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