Water softening
Plant: costs for installation and installation

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You live in a region with hard water that leaves annoying chalk stains on your fittings and electrical appliances and therefore decide to go to a Descaling system to invest. But what does a water softening system actually cost? In general, this is difficult to say, as the costs depend on the type of water softener and the installation situation in your home. We will tell you the costs of buying and installing a water softener.

What are the costs of water softening systems?

You have decided to actively do something against the lime to do in your tap water. The price of a water softening system now depends on various factors, in particular with regard to the system to be installed, the installation and the installation situation in your home. Before you decide which descaling system to invest in, you should check the water hardness in your area of residence. This is expressed in the unit °dh (degree of German hardness).

  • up to 8.4 °dH: soft water
  • between 8.4 and 14 °dh: medium-hard water
  • from 14 °dH: hard water

Which Water hardness Your tap water has, you can find out via the website of your water provider. Alternatively, you can find out your water hardness yourself using special test strips.

Water softener: price by system

The answer to the question “How much does a water softener cost?” depends initially on the selected system. Depending on which water softening system you choose and which manufacturer the system comes from, the costs can vary significantly. It is also important to consider how high the water consumption in your household is.

  • filter systems: Filter systems are often the cheapest way to remove lime from water. These plants do not remove all lime from the water. Can or table water filters, which are available for less than fifty euros, are often used here. Osmosis systems also filter lime. Here, the water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane. These systems are usually available from 500 euros.
  • ion exchanger: A very common method of decalcification is using ion exchangers. These plants soften water by adding salt (sodium chloride). Lime consists of calcium and magnesium ions, which are replaced by sodium ions when salt is added. As a result, the lime content in the water decreases while the sodium content increases. For a single-family house, there are very cheap investments starting at just 500 euros. However, some water softening systems can cost up to 4,000 euros.
  • Lime protection systems: Are you looking for a water softener without salt, are so-called Lime protection systems a reasonable alternative. They work according to the principle of seed crystal formation, in which small lime crystals form in water. These act as an accumulation point for the remaining lime in the water, which is washed out together with the crystals. This prevents the lime from sticking to surfaces and in pipes. The costs for the purchase of such a system range from less than 1,000 euros to around 4,000 euros.
No environmental impact due to chloride in drinking water
No running costs
Euro white
No release of sodium into your drinking water

Installation price for water softening systems

In addition to the price of the water softening system, you must reckon with installation costs. How high these are depends heavily on which type of descaling system you choose and your installation situation in the house. Lime protection systems without salt can usually be installed quickly and easily within an hour. With ion exchangers, in addition to the exchanger column, a salt tank must also be set up and a waste water connection installed. Accordingly, the fitter's working hours are extended. Assembly costs can range from a few hundred euros to over 1,000 euros. We recommend that you check this with the respective provider in advance. A photo, for example, can quickly remedy this.

Possible additional costs during installation

If you opt for an ion exchanger, i.e. a softening system with salt, you may incur some additional costs when installing the system:

  • Wastewater connection: Descaling with salt produces very corrosive waste water. If no (suitable) sewage connection is yet available, it must either be upgraded for the properties of the aggressive wastewater or completely reinstalled. If the latter is the case, lifting systems or regenerating water pumps (small lifting systems) are a solution.
  • water filter: Some manufacturers recommend that you install an additional water filter when installing a softening system.
  • dosing system: If the corrosive nature of the water produced during softening is to be reduced, dosing systems can be installed. Here, phosphates are added to drinking water so that it is less corrosive and pipes are not damaged.
  • blending valve: Some ion exchangers require you to manually enter by how many degrees of German hardness the water should be descaled. In order to set these values, in addition to the softening system, a mixing valve is installed on the pipeline via a connection block.
  • startup: After installing the descaling system, the device must be started up. This can be done by the HVAC specialist who has installed the system. However, for warranty reasons, some manufacturers insist that the system be put into operation by their customer service department. Depending on the manufacturer, such a start-up can cost between 200 euros - 400 euros.
  • servicing: In order for ion exchangers to function correctly and remain hygienic, they must be regularly serviced by an HVAC operator or the manufacturer's customer service department. Annual maintenance is usually necessary. There are maintenance contracts for around 300 euros - 400 euros per year plus costs for spare parts.

Additional operating costs

Even after commissioning, many water softening systems incur running costs, which you should definitely take into account.

  • electricity costs: Softening systems and lime protection systems are connected directly to the water supply and partly run on electricity. Since they operate constantly, they usually need electricity all the time.
  • water costs: Many systems have an automatic flushing mechanism, which regenerates or cleans system components.
  • Cost of salt: Ion exchangers regenerate approximately every one to three days, so salt must be refilled from time to time. A bag of salt containing 25 kilograms costs around ten euros. How often you need to refill salt depends on your water consumption and water hardness.

The alternative: The inexpensive AQON PURE lime protection system

If you are looking for a salt-free water softener, AQON PURE is your solution. Calcium deposits are reduced in the long term and cost-effectively through seed crystal formation. AQON PURE offers you three different systems for single-family and multi-family homes. We offer you quick and easy installation by an HVAC specialist near you — at a fixed price starting at 285 euros. The installation of the system is usually easy, as no sewage connection is required. Find out more about the installation of the system or discover our offer in our Shop. Alternatively, you can click here a non-binding offer request.

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