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Perhaps the best-known limescale protection system in Germany

Have the exact hardness of your water determined for your property

Around 60% of all UK households have hard water. As a result, the water contains particularly high concentrations of lime. What’s even more annoying is that there is no central public database for water hardness. Homeowners must find out the exact hardness of their water themselves. We can find out the water hardness for your property from your water supplier – free of charge and accurate to the first decimal place. All we need are details of your building and your address. You will receive the result by email within 1–2 working days.


Water hardness: What is it and why does it need to be measured?

Water hardness is a measure of how much limescale your tap water contains. One measure of limescale is “°dH – degrees of German hardness”. In Germany, a distinction is made between three hardness ranges: soft, medium and hard.

‍Problems with particularly high levels of limescale in the water

From a water hardness of 14°dH (total water hardness) or more, drinking water contains particularly high levels of limescale. From a technical point of view, measures to reduce limescale deposits make sense from this water hardness onwards.

This can be done with a limescale protection system that is also easy to retrofit. This is because a lot of limescale in the water or high water hardness can lead to numerous problems in the home, including the need to clean and descale surfaces and household appliances more frequently.

  • Scale build-up in the drinking water installation (e.g. pipes, valves, fittings)
  • Scale build-up in the hot water generation system and increased energy consumption

How homeowners can protect themselves: Measures for water containing lime

There are several solutions for households to avoid additional costs caused by limescale deposits. Here is an overview of possible measures:

  • From a water hardness of 14°dH: For households located in regions with hard water, it makes technical sense to install a lime protection system in order to reduce the build-up of limescale deposits. These systems are installed directly on the domestic water connection and therefore treat all the water.
  • Kitchen and household appliances should be descaled regularly. Home remedies such as vinegar or citric acid can be used for this purpose. In more difficult cases, special descaling agents can be used.
  • Set the hot water temperature to 60°C. This is because heating elements calcify even faster above 65°C.
  • Regular maintenance of the hot water and heating system by a specialised HVAC company. They can also professionally descale the system if required. The hardness ranges at a glance

Hardness range

Hardness rangeMillimoles of calcium carbonate per litre°dH
Softless than 1,5less than 8,4 °dH
Medium1,5 - 2,58,4 - 14 °dH
Hardmore than 2,5 14 °dH

The smart complete solution:
A limescale protection system customised for the size of your building

AQON Pure is an innovative and environmentally friendly limescale protection system that is installed directly at the domestic water connection. It conditions the water for the entire household and reduces limescale deposits. The system is more cost-effective than conventional softening systems because no salt or maintenance is required. Request a no-obligation quote for the AQON Pure limescale protection system with our water planner customised to the size of your building.

No environmental pollution from chloride in drinking water
No running costs
Euro white
No release of sodium into your drinking water

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