Water softening
systems in multi-family buildings

Colourful front of several apartment buildings

Magnesium and calcium are vital minerals that we must obtain through food — for example through our drinking water. In many places, the minerals are already contained in tap water. The disadvantage: Calcium and magnesium can combine with other substances and form calcium deposits. This makes your healthy water a potential hazard for your household appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers or boilers. Lime in the water also leaves annoying white deposits on faucets. A water softening system in an apartment building can prevent these problems. We'll let you know about your options.

When is a water softening system useful for apartment buildings?

Water treatment through water softening for apartment buildings makes sense when there is a lot lime in drinking water — that is, when the water is “hard.” Hard water is referred to as soon as the water exceeds a degree of hardness of 14 °dH (degree of German hardness). If you are supplied with hard drinking water in your residential area, you will quickly notice this in the typical calcium deposits in the bathroom and kitchen. If you want to determine your exact water hardness, you have two options: You can get test strips yourself and measure the water hardness. The strips are available at pharmacies, drugstores or online. Alternatively, you can check with your regional water supplier or waterworks about your water hardness. The information can usually be found on your provider's website.

Water softening system for apartment buildings vs. single-family homes

The most reliable way to reduce the lime content in water is to water softener. There are various technologies here to combat lime and prevent calcium deposits.

Multi-family house water softening system with salt

A common method for softening water in apartment buildings is a Water softening system with salt (ion exchanger). During ion exchange, the lime contained in the water is combated with salt (sodium chloride). The salt is fed into the water supply in the form of tablets, and the magnesium and calcium compounds of the lime are replaced by sodium. As a result, the lime is partially removed from drinking water. The calcium and magnesium levels of the water fall and the sodium content rises.

lookout: According to the German Drinking Water Ordinance, the maximum sodium content in water is 200 mg/l. Since the sodium content always increases when softening water with salt, it is essential to pay attention to how much sodium is in drinking water before softening. 8.2 mg sodium is required to soften one liter of drinking water by 1 °dH. Even if the initial sodium value of your drinking water is zero, the water can be softened by a maximum of 24.4 °dH before the maximum permitted value is exceeded.

Vaccine crystal lime protection systems for apartment buildings

If the sodium content in your drinking water is too high to soften the water sufficiently with salt, offer Lime protection systems with seed crystal formation is a good alternative. Since no salt is used in these systems, the calcium and magnesium levels of the water also remain unchanged. The original water hardness is retained. In the seed crystal process, microscopically small crystals, so-called seed crystals, are formed in water. The lime that is already in the water attaches to these crystals and no longer sticks to fittings. As soon as you remove water from the tap, the seed crystals are rinsed out together with the accumulated lime.

No environmental impact due to chloride in drinking water
No running costs
Euro white
No release of sodium into your drinking water

What is there to consider when it comes to water softening systems for apartment buildings?

The requirements for water softening in apartment buildings differ in some respects from those for a Water softener for single-family homes:

  • Power: When choosing your water softening system, you should make sure in advance that the device provides the necessary performance. Depending on the number of inhabitants, apartment buildings consume water at different rates. Your new water softening system should be perfectly tailored to your consumption in order, on the one hand, to ensure perfect decalcification and, on the other hand, to avoid unnecessarily high purchase costs.
  • installation: The installation of a water softener can vary significantly depending on the type of system. Accordingly, different time periods and costs must be planned for installation. In addition, some systems require certain structural requirements, which may have to be adjusted with the installation. More information about Installation of softening systems can be found on our website. If you live in a rented apartment, the installation of a water softening system must always be discussed with the landlord or landlady.
  • maintenance: Most water softener systems require regular maintenance to ensure continued performance and hygiene. With ion exchangers, salt must be refilled at certain intervals. Before installing a water softening system, it should therefore be determined who will take care of the tasks that occur regularly when using such a system.
  • access: Accordingly, it is also important to clarify which people have access to the system. Is it exclusively the house owner, special occupants of the house or a caretaker? Which installer installed the system? Especially if there are problems with the water softening system, it is important to know who you can contact.
  • Costs for water softening system in apartment buildings: The price for a water softening system for an apartment building with four parties is a few thousand euros. Depending on the manufacturer, prices vary significantly. In addition, there is the price for installation and running costs, for example for salt tablets and maintenance. Here, too, it is important to clarify to what extent the costs affect tenants or apartment owners.

Salt-free water decalcification system in apartment buildings with AQON PURE

AQON PURE home + offers you an innovative solution for treating your tap water by forming seed crystals — completely without salt tablets, without the associated increase in sodium content and without loss of calcium and magnesium. These lime protection systems are suitable for two to four-family houses, as well as significantly larger residential buildings. AQON PURE home + is specifically tailored to the higher water consumption and flow rates in apartment buildings and provides you with an output of up to 75 liters per minute. The descaling system can be used from a total water hardness of 5° dH and has a lifespan of up to 20 years. If you opt for an AQON PURE water softening system for your apartment building, you will also receive a one-year money-back guarantee and the option of having the system installed by a fitter near you at a fixed price.

Find out now about water softening systems for multi-family homes at AQON PURE

Radiant faucets, long-lasting electrical appliances, soft skin and well-groomed hair: A softening system in an apartment building can bring you these benefits. Get all the information you need to plan the system now.

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